Yoga & Cacao

Women's Intuitive Healing Circle: November 2nd - Bookings:

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Women's Intuitive Healing Circle

Women's Intuitive Healing Circle

Women's Intuitive Healing Circle

November 2nd, 10-12noon, McKenzie Town Hall

These sessions will include:

2 hours of blissful connection, giving women the chance to dive into their own intuition (don’t worry we will guide you there). We will drink ceremonial grade cacao in community, connect with what may be happening in our lives at the time, before working through gentle yoga poses to open the body and integrate the cacao. Students will then be guided into meditation, where Reiki energy will be on offer if one chooses. Sessions will end with further connection and sharing. Students new to yoga and meditation are most welcome.

***Bring a yoga mat, cushion/blanket if you want support/warmth, and your own oracle/angel cards or anything that helps you to connect inwards such as crystals (no candles please)***

About Cacao

Historically, Cacao has been a sacred part of life for the indigenous cultures of Latin America. It is considered a very gentle heart opener, and I have heard whispers of this plant rising in popularity when our planet most needs it. I believe the time is now.

Cacao’s affect is subtle, yet profound, and it is delicious! It has natural mood boosters, and is known to contain anandamide, the bliss molecule. It is an amazing aid for meditation as it gently expands one’s consciousness, making it perfect for connecting more with our intuition. It’s like having a cup of coffee that makes you feel mildly contented and happy.

Connecting as Women

Coming together as women, within the container of a sacred circle with intention, meditation, and connection, we find a special connection in community that lifts our energy and heart. In this space, gentle and magical healing can move through us. I have seen so many women struggling with the demands of the pace of our modern world, so I offer this space to help us rejuvenate and find inspiration on our path.

Cacao Contraindications

pure cacao contains tyramine, which could react with MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) antidepressants, which could trigger migraines. These types of anti-depressants are much less common these days. Additionally, it is still possible that cacao could react with other types of antidepressants, however, feedback from regular facilitators of Cacao events have advised that they have not yet seen a single case of an interaction.

Cacao Contraindications

MOAI Type Antidepressants:

Pure cacao contains tyramine, which could react with MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) antidepressants, which could trigger migraines. These types of anti-depressants are much less common these days. Additionally, it is still possible that cacao could react with other types of antidepressants, however, feedback from regular facilitators of Cacao events have advised that they have not yet seen a single case of an interaction.

Heart Conditions: Cacao increases blood flow and could cause undesirable stress on such conditions.


Get in touch to discuss with me how I can best assist you.


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