Yoga & Cacao

Women's Intuitive Healing Circle: November 2nd - Bookings:

Discover your intuition and purpose. CLICK HERE: Intuitive Life Mastery. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle method of energy healing that promotes relaxation in mind and body and balances an individual’s energy field.

The practitioner connects with and channels the energy but does not direct it in any way. The energy will move to where the person needs it the most and for their highest possible good. Reiki is channeled with a hands-on approach, but it can also be done without touch if that makes one more comfortable.

The body has the ability to heal if given the right conditions, which includes complete relaxation. Reiki can be very effective at assisting a person to relax and let go where they need to in order to promote more balance.

Chronic issues and long-term imbalances are complex and occur because a person’s mind, body, and emotional self is tied up in the imbalance. When this happens, it is best to work with multiple Reiki sessions (and other therapeutic approaches) to allow the body to reach the level of relaxation necessary to bring the system back into balance.

To access this level of healing requires a person to commit to their own wellbeing in a positive way so they can experience the full benefit of Reiki.

***Each session ends with an optional, short Angel Card reading, offering further guidance to release blocks to well being**

Please reach out with any questions or concerns because I do understand Reiki may be new and some people may have inhibitions. I’m always here to help. Also if finances are an issue, we can work out something out that is mutually agreeable for the energy exchange.